Q:那些0.01mm的不是比Care 22的Nipis更薄咩?
A:那些不是乳胶 (Latex) 虽然 0.01 很薄,但是弹力有限,容易脱落和破损
A:要是没有经过一系列严格测试,Nipis不可能可以拿到 Malaysia Book of Records 哟
A:我们全部套套都是通过国际标准化组织(ISO)和电应力(electrical stress test)等等安全测试的,测试不通过一律不给卖!
- 出口品质
- 符合 ISO 4074 和 MDA(马来西亚医疗器械管理局)注册
- 每个安全套都通过电应力测试
- 每批都通过充气和充水测试(如果有任何一项测试不通过,则将丢弃整批的避孕套)
*Care 22 (Nipis)*
- 马来西亚最薄的“天然乳胶”避孕套 0.04mm
Malaysia Book of Records for "Thinnest Latex Male Condom" Made in Malaysia 2019
- 高级名牌香水味
Premium branded fragrance
- 额外多的润滑剂,超润滑
Extra lubrication for super smoothness
*Care 28 (Original)*
- 舒适贴合,与香草香味完美契合,以优化性爱快感
Perfect fit with vanilla fragrance to optimize lovemaking pleasure
*Care 38 (Ribbed)*
- 特制的有棱角的避孕套独具设计,可在性交过程中为您提供额外的感觉。其有棱角的质地增强了男性和女性的愉悦感。
Contoured ribbed condoms are uniquely designed to give you extra sensation during intercourse. Its ribbed texture heightens pleasure for both men and women.
- 螺纹设计
Thread design
- 香草味
Vanilla scent
*Care 42 (Dotted)*
- Perfume scented to enhance the mood with a twist of excitement as it adds vibrancy to the dots
- 超凸点设计
Super bump design
- 高级名牌香水味
Premium branded fragrance
*Care 48 (Dotted)*
- Spotted condom with strawberry fragrance to achieve a high level of satisfaction
- 凸点设计
Bump design
- 草莓味
Strawberry scent
*Care 66 (Skin Tight)*
- Ultra-thin with lavender scented, with the perfect fit design for the best sensation.
- 没有储精囊
No seminal vesicles
- 薰衣草味
Lavender scent
- 超贴合
Super fit
Care Condom 避孕套(6盒) 好薄!好爽!...